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What is Blazium?

Blazium is a fork of the Godot Engine, a free and open-source game engine designed for both 2D and 3D applications.

Goals of the Project

Testing by Developing Games

Developing games is an excellent way to test and validate an engine, tooling, and integration with services. We fix any issues we encounter and add features that are missing, making the experience for developers and users alike better. With Hangman, our first small game, we added Discord export support, created a lobby service and its engine integration, and fixed a compatibility issue with Safari on iOS among many other things.

Tools and Services

An important aspect of Blazium is the tools and services we are developing for our multiplayer games. As we develop more multiplayer games, the types of services we offer, and their capabilities, become more significant. From turn based to real-time, we intend to support it all.


Blazium aims to remain free, open-source, and easy to use while introducing quality-of-life improvements, optimizations, additional tools, and other enhancements missing from Godot. These changes will be driven by the community rather than corporate funding. The surrounding community aims to create a space where developers can receive support, share suggestions, and interact freely without feeling as though they are walking on eggshells.

One of the main issues with the Godot project is that, while it started as a community-driven initiative, its top-down organizational structure has sidelined community contributions, leading many developers to feel pushed away. Despite this, the continued interest from the community is evident in the large number of open pull requests and unresolved issues.

Blazium seeks to address these issues with a transparent, open process for improving the engine. While our community is still in its early stages, we are committed to building trust through actions. Authority within the project will be earned by those who actively contribute and have a vested interest in its success.

Where to Go From Here

We hope to exceed your expectations,

The Blazium Team

P.S. From Bioblaze Payne

All ideologies, political viewpoints, and self-expression is allowed in the community so long as you remain civil. We want open discussions and civil debates, without anyone having a fear of repercussions over their beliefs. While striving to accept most things, going egregiously off topic or beyond societal norms to disrupt and disgust is not one of those things.

Everyone has a right to make games, and should be able to enjoy a community of others with a similar goal. Remember, we are only human. None of us are perfect, but we can strive to be civil and enjoy ourselves in a shared space.